Metrys Poultry Auctions

Auction under way

Metry’s auction under way

Braham Metry conducts auctions throughout the year at Euroa Showgrounds, Euroa, Victoria. Poultry of many types, poultry equipment and fertile eggs can be found at these auctions. On request, Braham Metry conducts auctions for other poultry clubs and organisations throughout the eastern parts of Australia.  To view the latest dates and venues, please view the schedules tab below.  To contact Braham, please message auctioneer on Backyard Poultry Forum or send a message via BYP admin using the contact page linked in our menu above. For Euroa bookings, please phone (02) 60 262 889.

Professional Profile – Braham Metry 


Roman Geese arriving in Style!

Roman Geese arriving in Style!

I began my auction career in 1978 at 18 years of age. My grandfather, grandmother and uncle were all auctioneers. We all sold general antiques, furniture, real estate, poultry and fresh vegetables at our now closed Albury Auction Rooms.

 I left there in 1986 to open Metry’s Poultry Farm, selling point of lay pullets. In 1990, just after the death of my first daughter, I was approached by Euroa Poultry Club to call their second sale. Being very down, I said OK. Well it was the shot in the arm that I needed. I drove down thinking why and I doing this. I sold 400 pens in 3 hours and came home a new man. It saved me. I went on to secure a job as a Manager with the biggest auction house of the time, Mason Grey Strange. From 1990 to 1995, I sold for them as well as selling on the weekends. I sold poultry for one of the poultry sales in Sydney, as well as Morrest Auction which was livestock and poultry. I also worked for J R Lawson Antique Auctioneers from 1995 to 1996, which which I came home and opened Metry’s Auction Company.

 I am one of the few people who have auctioned fresh meat, fresh fruit and vegetables. I have sold everything from fresh fruit to 14th Century century furniture, jewelery to heavy plant machinery. With the exception of cattle sperm and shares, I have auctioned everything that can be auctioned at one time or another.

 Metry’s Auction Company are honourary auctioneers for the following poultry events or clubs:

Euroa Auction

Euroa Auction

  • Sydney Royal Show
  • National Wyandotte club
  • Narrandera Poultry Club
  • Wyandotte club of Victoria
  • Victorian Water Fowl Association
  • Victorian Leghorn club
  • Border Fish Keepers (holding live fish auctions)


I hold four Australian records for the sale of poultry. One was achieved at Euroa and three achieved at the Sydney Royal Show.


Fertile eggs

Fertile eggs

 The rest is history. Euroa has grown from two sales per year to nineannual  sales. We attract buyers from NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland, south Australia and Western Australia. Sellers come from Victoria, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. We hold three catalogue stud sales per year.

 ... continued in tab titled Features & Advantages

Features of Metry’s Auctions

We are bid makers not bid takers with expert poultry value knowledge

We strive for the highest prices for our sellers.

One of a few sales that have an electronic EFTPOS machine to aid our customers

Poultry club members acting as stewards and to offer advice to buyers

We  hold a Backyard Poultry (BYP) day at our July stud stock sales

Euroa has supplied many poultry show champions and conducted many breeders total disposal sales

Cap 540 pens – 18 XXL (4′ x 4′ ) goose, peacock or turkey, & 522 inside large & bantam show pens

Sell incubators & brooders (seller tested & tagged), & supply risk reports to as per national code 

We also auction baby chicks and ducklings

Over the past 23 yrs, offered every breed of poultry in the APS and many newly developed breeds

Auction fully compliant with Work Cover requirements – evac on display, and exits marked

Registered with Victorian DPI for auctioning of poultry –  legal requirement in Victoria

Our sales of poultry are fully traceable. We know who purchased what and where they are located

Metry’s Auctions are the only specialist poultry auctioneers and compensation valuers in Australia

Members of Auctioneers & Valuers Association of Aus – certified Practising Auctioneers Accreditation


I have been trained by the best auctioneers in Australia on how to work a room and how to furnish a crowd to achieve a good result for the seller.

Braham Metry

Metry’s Auctions

Images around the Euro Auction







 Braham Metry (Auctioneer) at work at the Canberra 2012 Wyandotte Show.


To contact Braham, please private message to auctioneer on Backyard Poultry Forum or send a message viathe  BYP  contact page linked in our menu above. For Euroa bookings, please phone (02) 60 262 889


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Debbie Wilson

Hi , just looking for a pair of Saxony ducks any idea where I can get a pair from.

Leonie Hall

Hi Braham, I bought 4 hyline pullets last year and they have been wonderful. All 4 are still healthy and happy. Last summer one of them went clucky and sat for 40 days. I looked after her but she wasn’t a happy girl for quite a while. Do you sell Hyline fertile eggs? If one of them goes clucky this year I would like to buy some fertile eggs to put under her this time.

Phone No

When is the best auction?

Helen Stecher

When is the next poultry auction in Euroa?

Phone No

Euroa 2020
30 years of selling poultry at Euroa
29th March Bookings open 1st February
12th July Breeders and General auction booking open 31st March
23rd August Breeder and General Auction Booking open 13th July
8th November Bookings Open 1st October.

Jennifer Holm

Could you please tell me when the next date for Euroa poultry auction is .

Phone No
Mavis Jones

Brian would you please let me know the dates for Euroa poultry auctions 2020

Phone No

Looking for peahens please
Do you have any?

Phone No