Welcome to our club web site!


The Australorp Club of Australia's official web site (formerly Australorp Club of Queensland) is a great way to attract poultry breeders all over the world , keep members informed, and attract a broader audience by introducing ourselves to the community.
We use this site to inform people about our club, share ideas, and organise events and activities.
We try to keep up to date information for our members, and our membership is open to any breeder or exhibitor of good standing world-wide.
If you breed Australorps or are interested in them, simply give us an email and we'll get you a copy of our membership form

Should you wish to join our club or enquire about our breed, please email our Secretary at

Ross Summerell
P.O. Box 70
Tamborine Qld. 4270
Phone/Fax: 07 5543 0207

Web Manager:
Andy Vardy
PO Box 7
Tallangatta Vic. 3700
Email: avardy@backyardpoultry.com